River Keepers’ Service To The Environment


A successful community initiative aimed at rehabilitating and maintaining the social, ecological and amenity value of the Mosselbank River corridor in Greenville Garden City, Fisantekraal is well established and operating from its headquarters in the development.

Private Sector Funding Vital For SA’s Education Needs


It’s more urgent than ever for the private sector to help alleviate the enormous shortfall in essential education facilities. Government is not keeping up with the existing and increasing needs of schools. Millions of children are not getting what they need for a comprehensive education.

Sunningdale’s Dog Park Takes A Lead


Every doggy need catered for at canine leisure centreSince Garden Cities planned, constructed and then launched Leadville Dog Park for the canine residents of Sunningdale in December 2016, daily, an estimated 120 dogs with their owners visit and enjoythe facility off Braselton on Leadville Road.