Category: Archway Foundation

Dr Brenda Matthews conducting a school bullying survey in one of the Garden Cities Archway Foundation halls. All the young respondents were sourced from Western Cape Schools where halls have been provided by the Foundation in collaboration with the WCED. The Foundation reached its 100th milestone hall at the time of Garden Cities' Centenary. More than 108 have been built so far.

School Bullying Findings 2022

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships, through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. Bullying in any form, or for any reason, can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.

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Spotlight on school bullying solutions

The Archway Foundation’s primary objective is to provide halls and other essential facilities for under-resourced schools in the Western Cape.  This work is underpinned by a broad concern for the general wellbeing of learners that includes their happiness, peace of mind and freedom from threats, bullying, or disruptive influences.

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The Schools we’ve helped

The Archway Foundation is Garden Cities’ corporate social investment project providing essential school halls to children of the Western Cape living and being educated in historically disadvantaged communities.

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Private Sector Funding Vital For SA’s Education Needs

It’s more urgent than ever for the private sector to help alleviate the enormous shortfall in essential education facilities. Government is not keeping up with the existing and increasing needs of schools. Millions of children are not getting what they need for a comprehensive education.

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