Garden Cities releases 16 new bonded housing opportunities at Greenvile
As the bonded housing sector of Greenville Garden City expands with the sell-out of the initial 16 opportunities in the suburb, another 16 houses have been released for sale.
As the bonded housing sector of Greenville Garden City expands with the sell-out of the initial 16 opportunities in the suburb, another 16 houses have been released for sale.
On 23 July 2024 the local team working on the eastern tributary of the
Mosselbank River noted Flamingos on the river. Since the inception of the
rehabilitation project in 2017, this was the first time that these beautiful birds
had been observed at the seasonal valley-bottom wetlands.
In 2017, Garden Cities implemented the Mosselbank River Rehabilitation programme, which since its inception has been guided by a Conservation Management Plan co-ordinated by VULA Environmental Services. The river is a non-perennial tributary of the Diep River and flows in a north-north-westerly direction through Garden Cities’ Greenville housing development.
Garden Cities has exceeded its current target of 2 000 occupations of its BNG housing (Breaking New Ground) at Greenville.
Fisantekraal Centre for Development, a skills training facility that helps unemployed people to find jobs in a variety of sectors, has expanded its operations to a brand-new R4.2 million purpose-designed building in Greenville Garden City near Durbanville.
GREENVILLE GARDEN CITY PHASES ONE & TWO: 1 140 BNG HOMES COMPLETED AND HANDED OVER To date 1 140 Breaking New Ground (BNG) houses have been built
A successful community initiative aimed at rehabilitating and maintaining the social, ecological and amenity value of the Mosselbank River corridor in Greenville Garden City, Fisantekraal is well established and operating from its headquarters in the development.