Photos taken by local Fisantekraal photographer, Mashava Photography.
On 23 July 2024 the local team working on the eastern tributary of the
Mosselbank River noted Flamingos on the river. Since the inception of the
rehabilitation project in 2017, this was the first time that these beautiful birds
had been observed at the seasonal valley-bottom wetlands. This was a
momentous moment for the team working on the river rehabilitation
programme, as it is evidence of improved habitat quality leading to better food
availability, resorted nesting sites and connectivity between other
wetlands/aquatic bodies.
The Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) is found on large, shallow
bodies of water. They prefer saline or brackish water and can be seen across
South Africa. They feed on aquatic invertebrates such as brine shrimp and
algae. When feeding, the greater flamingo can be seen with its head down or
submerged in the water, using its legs to stir up the mud to release the algae
and organisms, that are then filtered through the bird’s beak.