Category: Sunningdale

Spoonbill park at Northridge Coastal Estate

The first parks at Northridge Coastal Estate have been completed and are delighting the residents with their innovative designs and features.  The parks are created as a Green Star Sustainable Precinct credit for livability, and emphasize that a sustainable community should be diverse, affordable, inclusive and healthy.

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Mosselbank River team turns attention to Dune Thicket at Northridge

Members of the Mosselbank River Conservation team responsible for the remarkable rehabilitation progress over the past five years in Greenville Garden City, recently turned their attention to the private Dune Thicket conservation area at Northridge Coastal Estate (NCE), Africa’s first four star sustainable precinct, in Sunningdale.

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Sunningdale’s Dog Park Takes A Lead

Every doggy need catered for at canine leisure centreSince Garden Cities planned, constructed and then launched Leadville Dog Park for the canine residents of Sunningdale in December 2016, daily, an estimated 120 dogs with their owners visit and enjoythe facility off Braselton on Leadville Road.

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